The third meeting of the Network (NESCI3)2 July 2024The Network for Statistical and Causal Inference ( NESCI ) was founded in 2022 to promote the...
Second Secure Software From First Principles Workshop del Progetto SERICS - Spoke 613 June 2024The complexity of software systems requires security to be considered in the very early stages of...
Workshop Historicizing AIDS in Italy10 June 2024This workshop marks the beginning of the Prin project 2022 "Historicizing AIDS: Policies, Rights,...
Workshop on Machine Learning for Data & Algorithm-sharing in social science27 May 2024The Workshop on Machine Learning for Data & Algorithm-sharing in social science, organized by...
Conjoint Workshop with University of Virginia23 May 2024IMT School recently signed an agreement with the UVA School of Data Science (UVA SDS), a pioneering...
Networking meeting PhD in Management of Digital Transformation14 May 2024The PhD program in Management of Digital Transformation organizes its annual networking meeting...
Quo Vadis? I dilemmi del nostro tempo7 May 2024Il 7 maggio, alle 17:45, la Cappella Guinigi ospiterà l'evento " Quo Vadis? I dilemmi contemporanei...
Conferenza conclusiva Progetto Borghi, paesi, aree interne: infrastrutture, sostenibilità e qualità della vita2 May 2024Il 2 maggio alle ore 10.00 presso la Fortezza di Mont’Alfonso, Sala Porta Nord a Castelnuovo di...
Le collezioni dei Musei Nazionali di Lucca: presentazione del nuovo database on-line9 April 2024Martedì 9 aprile alle ore 11.00, nella Sala Conferenze del Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi , si...
Workshop on Economic and Financial Networks: reconstruction, resilience and recovery19 February 2024The importance of studying the interconnectedness of the constituents of economic and financial...