Deep Trade Agreements and Heterogeneous Firms Exports26 February 2025This paper studies the effect of regional trade agreements on firms' exports using detailed...
A universal law of species abundance correlations reveals the dominant role of environmental fluctuations in microbial communities.20 December 2024Microbial communities are found throughout the biosphere, from human guts to glaciers, and from...
Unlocking Critical Periods. Biological basis and reversibility19 December 2024Our lab explores how brain functions are shaped by early life experience, identifying pivotal roles...
Progress towards reconstructing the global firm-level supply network.18 December 2024We have estimated that there are about 300m firms and 13b supply chain links between them. Some of...
Workshop “Archivi in Rete”13 December 2024Workshop “Archivi in Rete” This workshop delves into the multifaceted topic of photographic...
Selecting subpopulations for causal inference in regression discontinuity designs27 November 2024Abstract. The Brazil Bolsa Familia program is a conditional cash transfer program aimed to reduce...
System-theory for battery fast-charging: informative experiments and model-free control in monotone systems26 November 2024As the demand for faster, more efficient charging of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles...
Brain-circuit biomarkers for precision psychiatry of depression and anxiety22 November 2024There is a need for biomarkers that reflect the pathophysiological processes underlying depression...
Public Information and Financial Institutions’ Investments12 November 2024We study whether institutional equity investors in the euro area follow public signals, using...
How and Why There Is so Much Gender in AI11 November 2024This talk theorizes the wide array of ways that gender and sex interact with machine learning (ML)...