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Tools and resources for Quality Assessment

IRIS - The institutional repository 
IRIS, the repository for the publications of the IMT School's community, has some useful functions for monitoring and self-assessing scientific production, such as retrieving Scopus citation values, weighted and unweighted SNIP, IPP, CITESCORE, SJR values, and ANVUR classification of journals for each product.
The ASN (National Scientific Habilitation) function is also available to simulate the ranking of IRIS users concerning established thresholds.
For more information, please see the following pages: Depositing a Publication in IRISGuide to Bibliometric Data in IRIS.


Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic-citational database developed by Elsevier. It includes more than 90 million publication records (journal articles and monographs) from about 7,000 publishers.
ANVUR uses the data produced by Scopus for the VQR (Research Quality Assessment) and ASN exercises, as well as for the accreditation of Doctoral Programs. For this reason, faculty and research staff must keep their profiles up-to-date and manage their affiliations correctly.
Scopus is accessible from any device connected to the IMT School's wi-fi network or remotely through institutional login.


NEW The second evaluation round 2024 will be open until October 31st 2024.
The IMT School has joined the CRUI contract for using Criterium, a tool that supports monitoring and self-assessment activities of research products. 
The system evaluates the scientific production of faculty members  (professors and fixed-term researchers) using the assessment criteria  adopted by ANVUR as part of the national research evaluation procedures:
  • VQR-related evaluation model; 
  • National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) model. 
Criterium operates by "evaluation rounds", during which the system acquires metadata of research products from IRIS and faculty members can select their best products simulating the VQR exercise.
At the close of the round, the metadata status is frozen, and no further acquisitions can be made from the institutional repository. Based on the data acquired during the round, indicators are then calculated considering data from all the Italian universities that use Criterium, allowing comparative assessments.
It should be noted that the system integrates algorithms related to the latest available criteria and that the tool should be considered exclusively as a support for self-evaluation
Membership in the evaluation rounds is optional. You can withdraw consent at any time by sending a request by email to
Access to Criterium is strictly personal.
Please select "Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca" from the Single Sign On (SSO) panel and then proceed by logging in with your institutional credentials.
You can consult the privacy policy and download the user manuals within the platform.