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Statute and Regulations

General Regulations
  • 31/07/2024 - Regulations for the operation of the Quality Enhancement Committee (Italian version)
  • 12/06/2024 - Regulations on for the administration, finance and accounting (Italian version)
  • 11/03/2024 - Regulations for the organisation of events (Italian version)
  • 27/07/2023 - Regulations for publishing documents on the online bulletin board (Italian version)
  • 06/07/2023 - Survey Policy (italian version)
  • 28/06/2023 - Regulations on the discipline of missions, representation expenses, seminars and events (Italian version)
  • 26/10/2022 - Social Media Policy (Italian version)
  • 27/07/2022 - Regulations for the functioning of the IMT School Inspection Service (Italian version)
  • 13/07/2022 - Regulation regarding the functioning of the Board of Governors and the Academic Senate of the School (Italian version)
  • 03/12/2021 - Gender Equality Plan 2020-2021 (Italian version)
  • 05/05/2021 - Regulations on the elections of the Director (Italian version)
  • 10/02/2021 - Regulations on the Confidential Counsellor (Italian version)
  • 24/01/2020 - Regulations on areas and residential services (Italian version | English version)
  • 10/09/2019 - Regulations for the elections of representatives in the IMT bodies (Italian version)
  • 25/07/2019 - Regulations for the establishment and operations of the Central Guarantee Committee (Italian version)
  • 06/06/2018 - Regulations regarding sponsorship, use of logo, name and trademark (Italian version)
  • 18/06/2018 - Regulations on areas and residential services (Italian version | English version)
  • 15/01/2018 - Regulations on the right to access documents, civic access and general access (Italian version)
  • 20/04/2016 - Policy on the usage of institutional printers (Italian version)
  • 21/01/2016 - Regulations to use the internet and e-mails (Italian version | English version)
  • 11/06/2015 - Policy for the use of email addresses with particular regard to the privacy (Italian version | English version)
  • 08/07/2014 - Regulations on the system administrators (Italian version)
  • 30/04/2014 - Regulations on the management of simplified negotiated procedures and the petty cash fund (Italian version)
  • 24/03/2014 - IMT Code of Conduct (Italian version)
  • 24/03/2014 - IMT Code of Conduct and Ethics (English version)
  • 28/11/2012 - Regulations for the maintenance and management of the inventory of movable and immovable property (Italian version)
  • 05/05/2012 - Regulations for the allocation and use of mobile telephone equipment (Italian version)
  • 12/01/2012 - Regulations for the protection and processing of personal, sensitive and judicial data (Italian version)
  • 08/09/2011 - Regulations for the use of institutional credit cards (Italian version)
  • 09/09/2008 - Regulations for administrative processes and the access of administrative documents (Italian version)
  • 09/09/2008 - Rates of the administration for the access to administrative documents (Italian version)
  • 20/02/2008 - Regulations on the management and protection of administrative documents from records management to the historical archive (Italian version)
Educational offerings
Research, technology and knowledge transfer, evaluation
  • 01/03/2023 - Regulations on institutional activities financed by third parties and third party activities (Italian version)
  • 03/08/2021 - Tutoring Regulation (Italian version  | English version)
  • 28/02/2020 - Regulations on Spin Offs - IMT School (Italian version)
  • 29/11/2017 - Policy on the Open Access to Scientific Literature (Italian version)
  • 27/06/2017 - Regulations on the protection and enhancement of the industrial property of the Scuola Normale in Pisa, the Scuola Superiore S. Anna, the IMT School and IUSS Pavia (Italian version)
  • 11/11/2012 - Regulations on evaluation (Italian version
  • 13/01/2012 - Regulations on the scientific publications of the IMT School (Italian version)
  • 09/09/2008 - Regulations on the results of research activities (Italian version | English version)
Teaching and research faculty
  • 11/04/2024 - Regulations on the conferment of Visiting Professorships, Visiting Research Fellows and Visiting Professionals (Italian version)
  • 27/07/2023 - Regulations on the procedures for the calling of female professors and professors of the first and second rank (Italian version)
  • 27/07/2023 - Regulations on the discipline of recruitment of fixed-term researchers under Article 24 of Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010 (Italian version)
  • 01/03/2023 - Regulations for the management of the performance fund (Italian version)
  • 29/07/2022 - Regulations on the rights and duties of IMT School faculty and researchers (Italian version)
  • 04/11/2021 - Regulations on Conferral of the Title of Emeritus and Honorary Professor (Italian version)
  • 28/10/2021 - Policies on open access to scientific literature (Italian version)
  • 20/04/2020 - Regulations for the Evaluation and Career Progression of Professors and Researchers (Italian version)
  • 10/09/2019 - Regulations on the functioning of the Disciplinary Committee (Italian version)
  • 18/05/2019 - Regulations on the appointment of fixed-term Professors in accordance with art. 24, paragraph 5 of Law 240/2010 (Italian version)
  • 18/09/2018 - Regulations on the evaluation of University Professors and Researchers (Italian version)
  • 29/03/2017 - Regulations for the evaluation for three-year seniority raises for tenured Professors and Researchers (Italian version)
  • 22/02/2017 - Regulations on research Scholarships (Italian version)
  • 17/07/2014 - Leave for Study and Research for Faculty (Italian version)
  • 22/12/2014 - Regulations on the appointment procedures for tenured Professors (Italian version)
  • 04/12/2014 - Regulations on appointments and employment relationships for teaching and research (Italian version)
Technical and administrative Staff
  • 10/02/2020 - Regulations for the provision of subsidies to the Technical and Administrative Staff (Italian version)
  • 07/01/2020 - Regulations on appointments and employment relationships for the administration (Italian version)