1 Full Professor position
(Deadline September 7th, 2015 12:00 )
Scientific Sector
12/D1 - Diritto Amministrativo
IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativo
A call has been opened for a Full Professor position ("I Fascia") in Administrative Law. The call is aimed at scholars with expert knowledge of the field of international cultural heritage law, the history of the creation and evolution of cultural heritage and the institutions entrusted with the safeguarding and valorization of cultural and landscape heritage, particularly in Italy. Candidates must have relevant teaching experience, preferably in an international context, and an excellent scientific profile confirmed by an elevated number of high-quality publications. The following attributes will be considered preferential during the evaluation process:
- expertise in the comparative analysis of the organization models and decisional processes of national and international public institutions;
- a deep knowledge of the Italian administrative system, particularly with respect to cultural heritage, landscapes and the territorial governance;
- concrete experience in the management of legal and administrative aspects of public institutions, with specific reference to cultural heritage.
Formal requirements
In order to be eligible to participate, the candidate must, alternatively:
- have been awarded eligibility ("idoneità") for the category of the position advertised;
- be a professor currently holding a similar position in another national University;
- be an international scholar currently carrying out regular research and teaching activities at the University level in a position similar to that advertised.
Applicants are required to send the following documents:
- The application form, duly completed and signed with a list of supporting documentation for evaluation purposes;
- A copy of a valid identity document;
- A detailed curriculum vitae showing scientific and teaching activities, academic publications and experience in the management of research activities;
- The full text of selected publications (the publications can be sent in their original form, as an authentic copy or as a photocopy provided that they are certified as conforming to the original copy, using the appropriate substituting declaration); the maximum number of publications submitted by the candidate shall not be less than twelve.
- Publications can also be submitted via magnetic storage media (CD ROM), respecting the conformity declarations cited above. It is requested, however, that publications in PDF form be sent via email to the address hr@imtlucca.it;
- A certificate that attests the date in which you started your appointment ("data di inizio del servizio nella qualifica e nella sede di appartenenza"), the salary class and date of last pay raise ("data assegnazione alla classe stipendiale"), if relevant, and your scientific area (SSD - Settore Scientifico Disciplinare);
- The name and contact info of three referees;
- A list of all of the included documentation in the application packet.
by post to:
IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies,
HR Office,
Piazza San Ponziano 6, 55100 Lucca.
The information on this page is only a summary; for full details please see the official call (bando) in Italian.
Job Research Area:
Bando per Chiamata (art. 18 L.240/2010) - Professore Ordinario in 12/D1 . Diritto Amministrativo)