Nuovi scenari per patrimoni monastici dismessi. Casi lucchesi tra memorie monastiche ed eredità pucciniana25 July 2019PROMOTORI Dipartimento di Architettura - Università di Bologna ( ) FAM - Fondazione...
The Workshop Complexity72h 201917 June 2019The Workshop Complexity72h is an interdisciplinary event whose aim is to bring together young...
AFNI Bootcamp 20193 June 2019The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca organizes an AFNI Bootcamp, as a satellite event of the...
AISC midterm conference 201922 May 2019In recent years, the exploration of the cognitive and neurobiological foundations of rational...
JoTTO Fair 2019 9 May 2019Si svolgerà venerdì 10 maggio la seconda edizione di JoTTo Fair , l’evento di incontro tra il mondo...
Accreditamento: esperienze a confronto26 March 2019L'incontro si inserisce in una serie di attività promosse dalla Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca nell'...
Publish or Perish. Ricerca scientifica fra integrita' e competitivita'17 December 2018PROGRAMMA Pietro Pietrini - Direttore, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca Enrico Bucci - Professore...
Shaping Europe Together - Meeting with experts in European Institutions10 December 2018The aim of the meeting is to shed light on opportunities for developing a career across Europe that...
SoftPro Project Review Meeting21 October 2018SoftPro project will study and design soft synergy-based robotics tecnologies to develop new...
The Blind Brain Workshop11 October 2018The overall purpose of The Blind Brain Workshop is to highlight how the view of the brain has...