PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science14 March 2019" Analysing Mesoscale Structures in Economic and Financial Networks " Jeroen van Lidth De Jeude
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering14 March 2019" Critical Phenomena in Multilayer Networks " Giacomo Rapisardi
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science11 March 2019" The Mobility of Scientists and Inventors: Patterns and Determinants " Luca Verginer
PhD Thesis Defense - Image Analysis28 February 2019"Cancer tissue classification from DCE-MRI data using pattern recognition techniques" Maria...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering25 February 2019"Dynamic homogenization of composite viscoelastic materials" Rosaria Del Toro
Phd Thesis Defense - Image Analysis18 December 2018Learning to Count Leaves of Plants Mario Valerio Giuffrida
Phd Thesis Defense - Economics17 December 2018Production Networks, Firm Productivity and Geography Loredana Fattorini
Phd Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage14 December 2018Events and temporary uses in the historic urban landscape: Lucca Comics & Games between...
Phd Thesis Defense - CDSS - Control Systems 12 December 2018Proximal algorithms for structured nonconvex optimization Andreas Themelis
Phd Thesis Defense - Management Science11 December 2018Worldwide diffusion of solar photovoltaic panels and the role of state incentive: perspectives...