PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science4 March 2020Jan Niederreiter - Essays on Contest Experiments and Supervised Learning in the Pharmaceutical...
PhD Thesis Defense - Management and Development of Cultural Heritage19 December 2019Francesca Pajno - The perception of ancient monuments in an urban context: the case of the Imperial...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage17 December 2019Felicia Caponigri - Fashion design objects as cultural property in Italy and in the United States
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage17 December 2019George–Adrian Iordăchescu , Wilderness Production in the Romanian Carpathians: Towards a...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering16 December 2019Nilay Saraf - Bounded-Variable Least-Squares Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Model Predictive...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics13 December 2019Luca Mantegazza - Human Capital and Collective Political Events
PhD Thesis Defense - Management and Development of Cultural Heritage13 December 2019Chiara Iorino - Maria, Medea e le altre: I volti ambivalenti della madre. Feminist re-articulations...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage12 December 2019Marta Equi Pierazzini - A Legacy Without a Will. Feminist Organising as a Transformative Practice
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences11 December 201910.00 am, Giada Lettieri - Brain topography, connectivity dynamics and coding mechanisms underlying...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage10 December 2019Ginevra Addis - The re-identification of pop art: its reception from an Italian perspective