International Conference "Computing Power for Global Systems"24 ottobre 2017Following up on the International Conference on Synthetic Populations (February 22-23, 2017) the...
CRITIS - The International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security - 20178 ottobre 2017In 2017, the International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security reaches its...
International Workshop "Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in 20th Century"18 settembre 2017The first International Workshop of the HERA project "Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe...
JoTTo Fair, incontro fra ricerca e imprese per favorire il trasferimento di tecnologia e innovazione15 settembre 2017JoTTo Fair, alla prima edizione, e' l'evento di incontro tra la ricerca della Scuola Superiore Sant...
7th oCPS PhD School on Cyber-Physical Systems12 giugno 2017The design of next generation of smart electricity grids, intelligent transportation, and of many...
Reading the Deceptive Brain and Mind16 marzo 2017Is it possible to establish with confidence, nowadays, when a person is lying? Might we have, in...
Economics PhD Workshop in collaboration with KU Leuven13 marzo 2017Please open the "poster" file below for the schedule of the presentations.
International Conference on Synthetic Populations - 201722 febbraio 2017Global System Studies are providing non trivial tools to interpret the reality surrounding us. In...
A new perspective on the protection of cultural property through criminal law3 febbraio 2017International seminar organised by the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in co-operation with...