Linking natural and artificial intelligence12 dicembre 2016Knowledge is information that embedded into the right network of conceptual interrelations can be...
Donare allo Stato. Mecenatismo privato e raccolte pubbliche dall'Unita' a oggi10 novembre 2016Il convegno dal titolo "Donare allo Stato. Mecenatismo privato e raccolte pubbliche dall'Unita' a...
International Trade, Global Production Networks, and Microfoundations of Aggregate Fluctuations27 ottobre 2016The next meeting of the ITSG - Italian Trade Study Group will be organised by the IMT School for...
"XXI National Conference of Computational Mechanics" and "VIII Meeting of the AIMETA Materials Group"27 giugno 2016The joint XXI National Conference of Computational Mechanics and the VIII Meeting of the AIMETA...
Imaging the Past Collecting the Future: Archive, Photography, Cinema, Museums22 giugno 2016Fueled by the focus of the LYNX research center, specifically the interdisciplinary analysis of...
Innovative Entrepreneurship in Universities: from the Idea to the Business Plan16 giugno 2016Il seminario, in cui interverranno professionisti specializzati, si rivolge a dottorandi,...
Seminar on Metallic and ceramic materials with applications to paper industry26 maggio 2016IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, in collaboration with JOTTO (the Joint Technology Transfer...
From segregation to integration: The complexity of human brain functions - XXIII Workshop and National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (Societa' Italiana di Psicofisiologia SIPF)19 novembre 2015The Italian Society of Psychophysiology (SIPF) will be holding the XXIII edition of their National...
Workshop: ERC Grants for the Excellence of European Research11 novembre 2015The European Research Council (ERC) - the first pan-European funding body for frontier research -...
Innovative Startups and Open Innovation: which opportunities with the new Italian regulation12 giugno 2015The Italian government has now activated a new fully operational set of rules, which aims to create...