Valutazione delle Tecnologie Sanitarie e loro Analisi Statistica |
Past |
The impact of the Latin-Christian Cultural Tradition on the Politcal Thought in Sourthern Italy at the Turn between the first and the second Millennium |
Past |
PhiBor |
Neuroscienze per il controllo motorio e la rappresentazione delle azioni |
Past |
Informatica - Analisi, implementazione e/o creazione delle piattaforme informatiche per la gestione della documentazione archeologica (esposta e in deposito), dei dati sui visitatori, della documentazione amministrativa nei musei |
Past |
Study of monitoring and detection of attacks on the resource limits of the Internet of Things (IoT) |
Past |
SysMA |
Board game accessibility for blind or visually impaired people |
Past |
Emulation of cyber-attacks on technological networks in the railway environment |
Past |
SysMA |
Cognizione sociale, problem solving e decision making in ambito organizzativo |
Past |
Management and analysis of brain and behavioral data collected in stroke patients |
February 21st, 2023 13:00
Past |
Linguaggi e Modelli per Collective Adaptive Systems |
Past |
SysMA |
Per una giustizia giusta: Innovazione ed efficienza negli uffici giudiziari - Giustizia AGILE |
Past |
SysMA |
Off-line and real-time analysis and modulation of brain activity during wakefulness and sleep |
Past |
Inference of generalized entropies for complex systems |
Past |
Analysis and mathematical modeling of complex networks in real-world economic, social and biological systems |
Past |
Research and development for materials, devices and processes of hydrogen supply chain |
Past |
Management Science, with a focus on SMEs and Family Businesses |
Past |
Modeling expert reasoning and decisions: logical and cognitive aspects |
November 24th, 2022 13:00
Past |
INFORMATICS - Analysis, improvement and/or creation of digital platforms for the management of archaeological documentation |
December 23rd, 2022 13:00
Past |
MANAGEMENT - Survey of the data concerning visitors to the National Museums of Regione Calabria and of methods to collect and manage these data |
December 23rd, 2022 13:00
Past |
LAW - Survey, cataloguing, enhancement, investigation and study of the cultural heritage preserved in the museums of Direzione Regionale Musei Calabria |
December 23rd, 2022 13:00
Past |