Phd Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage22 dicembre 2021Yelena Kovalyova - Protection of Cultural Rights of National Minorities: Critical Analysis of the...
Phd Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences21 dicembre 2021Gabriele Valvano - Semi-supervised and Weakly-supervised Learning with Spatio-temporal Priors in...
Phd Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage20 dicembre 2021Francesca Coccolo - The power of victory. Italy, Austria and the struggle for treasures of art and...
Shortest Paths in Graphs of Convex Sets16 dicembre 2021Given a graph, the shortest-path problem requires finding a sequence of edges with minimum...
Reconstructing firm-level interactions: the Dutch input-output network16 dicembre 2021Recent crises have shown that the knowledge of the structure of input-output networks at the firm...
Phd Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering15 dicembre 2021Daniele Masti - Machine learning methods for control, identification, and estimation Join at http...
The evolution of train control systems7 dicembre 2021Railway is undergoing a deep technological and organisational transformation since the beginning of...
Modalità di trasferimento tecnologico1 dicembre 2021Seminario organizzato da JoTTO - Joint Technology Transfer Office, Ufficio trasferimento...
Contracting Frictions in Global Sourcing: Implications for Welfare1 dicembre 2021Contracting frictions affect firm sourcing decisions, but how much do such frictions — that firms...
Motivated Beliefs about Stock Returns30 novembre 2021Does buying a stock bias one’s expectations about its future value? We find experimental evidence...
Phd Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science29 novembre 2021Sara Landi - Public Policy in Italy: an empirical analysis on local governments and occupation Join...
NVCache: A Plug-and-Play NVMM-based I/O Booster for Legacy Systems26 novembre 2021This paper introduces NVCache, an approach that uses a non-volatile main memory (NVMM) as a write...
Building Trustworthy Systems with Trusted Execution Environments26 novembre 2021Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) are gaining traction in academia and industry as a fulcrum to...
Meaning and awareness25 novembre 2021Upon hearing a word, we recollect, both implicitly or explictly, a big load of very diverse...
Phd Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences24 novembre 2021Marta Lancione - Structural and functional neuroimaging using Quantitative Susceptibility and ultra...
All'ombra di San Martino: storia, arte, devozione24 novembre 2021Convengo organizzato dalla Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, in collaborazione con l'Opera del Duomo di...
Workshop "Causal inference, aggregation, and heterogeneity"24 novembre 2021It is also possible to participate by connecting to the following link: PROGRAM 15...
Disruption and recovery of brain functional connectivity networks in Alcohol Use Disorders19 novembre 2021Abnormal resting state functional connectivity, as measured by functional MRI, has been reported in...
Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2021-202218 novembre 2021Chiesa di San Francesco - Piazza San Francesco, Lucca ore 10.00 PROGRAMMA DEI LAVORI Indirizzi di...
TID 2 - Toscana Inventors Day | Inventori e inventrici di scuole e università toscane incontrano le imprese18 novembre 2021TID - Toscana Inventors Day - Green Transition & Sustainable Tech è la seconda edizione dell’...
The role of inaccuracies in vestibular perception: from graviception to motion simulation17 novembre 2021When moving through space, for instance by walking or driving a vehicle, our brain processes...
Formal Methods in Orbit. Formal Methods for the Masses11 novembre 2021In this seminar I plan to survey two research endeavours we are actively pursuing as part of a...
Realized Exponential Random Graphs8 novembre 2021Given a sequence of random graphs generated by an exponential family distribution, known as...
We Need a Change in Rehabilitation Robotics29 ottobre 2021Robots can be very useful to restore movement abilities of upper and lower limbs. First, they can...
Start Cup Toscana 2021 | Evento di premiazione25 ottobre 2021Manca meno di un mese alla scadenza del bando 2021 di Start Cup Toscana, la competizione dedicata...
Phd Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering15 ottobre 2021Matteo Bruno - Maximum entropy methods for the statistical analysis of bipartite networks: fast...
The big science of small networks15 ottobre 2021Network science has come to mean the science of large networks. Computer science stresses the...
JOBfair 2021 | The Italian Schools of excellence job meeting13 ottobre 2021The Italian Schools of excellence job meeting Wednesday 13 October 2021 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |...
ORIGINALITA' DELLE COPIE ROMANE. Un dissenso transatlantico7 ottobre 2021Luca Giuliani Emerito Università Humboldt, Berlino; già Rettore Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlino...
Robbing the Bank with a Model Checker6 ottobre 2021As a case study on the use of formal methods for security we show how to use Tamarin, a security...
Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship30 settembre 2021Does exposure to mass migration affect the attitudes and economic behavior of natives in the...
L'uomo cosciente e l'arte delle origini: con e dopo Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti30 settembre 2021La Fondazione Centro Studi sull’Arte Licia e Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti di Lucca e il Museo e...
Reading Twitter in the Newsroom: Web 2.0 and Traditional-Media Reporting of Conflicts29 settembre 2021User-generated online content changes traditional-media news on conflicts. Online posts by citizen...
BRIGHT-NIGHT 2021 La Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori24 settembre 2021La Notte delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori è un evento che si svolge ogni anno l’ultimo venerdì...
Neural systems underlying social-emotional functions22 settembre 2021In this talk, I will summarize my research assessing the neural basis of human social-emotional...
A comprehensive Trust based model for Online Social Networks21 settembre 2021Online Social Networks (OSN) have become a central means of communication and interaction between...
The Sentence of the Supreme Court in Reunited Sections No. 9163/2005 and the problem of the insanity defence13 settembre 2021The responsibility of the mentally ill offender is a critical point of the penal system and...
Faking of personality disorders13 settembre 2021In mental insanity assessment of the defendant has a clear advantage in faking a personality...
Lumpability for Uncertain Continuous-Time Markov Chains7 settembre 2021The assumption of perfect knowledge of rate parameters in continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) is...
Learning, Evolution and Games Conference (LEG2021)1 settembre 2021The conference on Learning, Evolution and Games (LEG2021) takes place on September 1 and 2, 2021...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science2 Agosto 2021Matteo Caruso - On Logical Quantitative Methods in Politics
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage2 Agosto 2021Maria Giusti - The State as a promoter of cinema in Italy and France
From time to space and back: languages and tool for spatio-temporal monitoring30 luglio 2021The specification and monitoring of spatio-temporal properties is becoming of utmost importance in...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics30 luglio 2021Matteo Serafino - The Complexity of Heterogeneity in Real-World Networks
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering30 luglio 2021Tabea Waizmann - The Effect of Compression and Expansion on Stochastic Reaction Networks
Cyber Physical Uncertainties29 luglio 2021Cyber-physical systems are exposed to multiple uncertainties due to mixing software and hardware...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science27 luglio 2021Nicolò Vallarano - The Bitcoin Transaction Networks
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage26 luglio 2021Chiara Ianeselli - The Untitled Title in 20th Century Art: Revolutionary Aspects and Implications
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage20 luglio 2021Silvio La Paglia - Memorabilia Pompeiana (1748-1830). Antiquities from Pompeii in the European...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science19 luglio 2021Pietro Saggese - Arbitrage in the Bitcoin ecosystem: an investigation of the Mt. Gox exchange...
PhD Thesis Defense in Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences16 luglio 2021Alice Martinelli - Functional interactions between Auditory and Visual systems in the human brain
Introduzione alle Neuroscienze dello sport14 luglio 2021Un nuovo appuntamento del ciclo di incontri che hanno l’obiettivo di illustrare e diffondere le...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics13 luglio 2021Tatiana Celadin - Essays on Cognition and Cooperation
TID - Toscana Inventors Day | Inventori e inventrici di scuole e università toscane incontrano le imprese7 luglio 2021Tid - Toscana Inventors Day è un evento in tre giornate dedicate all’incontro fra gli inventori e...
Neuroscienze tra trasformazione digitale e umani virtuali30 giugno 2021Un altro appuntamento del ciclo di incontri che hanno l’obiettivo di illustrare e diffondere le...
Patenting in 4IR Technologies and Firm Performance23 giugno 2021We investigate whether firm performance is related to the accumulated stock of technological...
DanteCTF 2021 | Sfida informatica online tra cybersecurity e gironi danteschi19 giugno 2021Il 19 giugno 2021 il C3T , la Research Unit SySMA della Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca e la squadra...
Constrained Deep Learning for System Identification and Differentiable Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems17 giugno 2021We present a differentiable predictive control (DPC) methodology for learning dynamics and...
Uncovering seeds9 giugno 2021We provide the theoretical foundations for a new estimation algorithm that non-parametrically...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering27 maggio 2021Maria Rosaria Marulli - New methods to assess the performance of structural joints with...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering21 maggio 2021Jacopo Bonari - Novel Interface Discretisation Methods for Contact Mechanics
Can we trust the algorithms that recommend products online? Theory and practice of recommender systems.19 maggio 2021Upon logging into their Netflix, Amazon or Spotify accounts, consumers are usually greeted with...
Mapping flows on weighted and directed networks with incomplete observations12 maggio 2021Detecting significant community structure in networks with incomplete observations is challenging...
Global Value Chains and the Removal of Trade Protection5 maggio 2021This paper examines how trade protection is affected by changes in the value-added content of...
Random Networks and Geometries in Physics22 aprile 2021Physicists have long speculated that spacetime at the very shortest scales may not be a continuum...
Tasks, Occupations, and Wage Inequality in an Open Economy21 aprile 2021This paper documents and theoretically explains a nexus between globalization and wage inequality...
Rapid evolution of diversified survival strategies in bacterial communities15 aprile 2021Ecological and evolutionary dynamics have been historically regarded as unfolding at broadly...
Modelling soft adhesive contact under shear loads9 aprile 2021The interaction between adhesion and friction in soft contacts represents a challenging topic in...
Diversity in humans and pathogens: effect on epidemics and the impact of interventions9 aprile 2021In the last decades, new network theories and epidemiological evidences have substantially advanced...
Multiscale models in tribology8 aprile 2021Despite considerable effort, multiscale models in tribology, pioneered probaby by Archard in the...
Containing Chinese State-Owned Enterprises? The Role of Deep Trade Agreements7 aprile 2021Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) increasingly include provisions that regulate State Owned...
Efficient Multi-Lateral Bargaining24 marzo 2021We design a laboratory experiment to study a decentralized matching market where agents (e.g...
Automated Statistical Analysis of Economic Agent-Based Models by Statistical Model Checking17 marzo 2021In this talk, we present recent work regarding a novel approach to the statistical analysis of...
Settimana Mondiale del Cervello 2021. Le neuroscienze online.15 marzo 2021La Settimana Mondiale del Cervello è un evento internazionale dedicato ad accrescere la...
Higher-order networks and Nonlinear consensus11 marzo 2021Over the last 20 years, networks have emerged as a powerful paradigm to model complex systems...
Are Executives in Short Supply? Evidence from Death Events10 marzo 2021Using exhaustive administrative data on Italian social security records, we construct measures of...
Mandatory integration agreements for unemployed job seekers: a randomized controlled field experiment in Germany24 febbraio 2021Integration Agreement (IA) are contracts between the employment agency and the unemployed, nudging...
Reduced Order Models and Parameter Space Reduction for Parameterized Partial Differential Equations Problems in Industrial Engineering19 febbraio 2021In several problems of engineering interest in which parameterized Partial Differential Equations (...
Simulation and control of fluid dynamics systems in moving geometries17 febbraio 2021Complex flows in industry and bioengineering often entail moving geometries and immersed surfaces,...
Robust design methods for nonlinear MPC17 febbraio 2021In motion planning problems (e.g., robotics, autonomous driving) we need to design controllers that...
Insegnamento della matematica e questioni di genere | Corso di formazione per insegnanti12 febbraio 2021Nell’ambito delle iniziative promosse in occasione della Giornata internazionale delle donne e...
Presentazione del libro "Per soli uomini. Il maschilismo dei dati, dalla ricerca scientifica al design"11 febbraio 2021L’11 febbraio ricorre la Giornata internazionale delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza ,...
A diffusion-based analysis of a road traffic network10 febbraio 2021In this talk I will discuss an important example of complex networks, namely road traffic networks...
Reconstructing complex networks from data4 febbraio 2021Complex networks provide an interesting tool to investigate spatio-temporal data. The first step is...
Learning MPC and its applications to robotic systems2 febbraio 2021Leveraging historical data to iteratively improve the performance of predictive controllers has...
Local Reputation, Local Selection, and the Leading Eight Social Norms27 gennaio 2021Humans are capable of solving cooperation problems following social norms. Social norms dictate...
A two-state view of bursts and heavy tails in contact networks22 gennaio 2021Many aspects of human (and animal) activity, such as the frequency of contacts of an individual,...
Towards an evidence-based assessment of social cognition18 gennaio 2021Social cognition is a multifaceted complex domain resulting from different cognitive sub-functions...
La teoria della mente13 gennaio 2021Primo appuntamento 2021 del ciclo di incontri che hanno l’obiettivo di illustrare e diffondere le...