Workshop PRO3 "Borghi, paesi, aree interne: infrastrutture, connettività, qualità della vita"6 luglio 2023We are pleased to inform you that on July 6, 2023 , the IMT School will host the Workshop PRO3 "...
The Role of Experts in Democratic Societies. In Honor of Paul Feyerabend.16 giugno 2023The IMT School is pleased to host an international conference dedicated to the philosopher of...
LYNX Summer School "Law and Cultural Heritage Across the Atlantic: Creative Industries between Law & Heritage"12 giugno 2023IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is launching a Summer School that aims to deeply analyze and...
Summer School “Game Design meets Game Theory: Prototyping circular economies”2 giugno 2023We are pleased to inform you that the IMT School will host the "Game Design meets Game Theory:...
Mapping New Challenges in the Neuroethical Landscape11 maggio 2023We are pleased to inform you that the IMT School will host one of the three days of the annual...
International Graduate School on Control (IGSC) 28 marzo 2023The EECI (European Embedded Control Institute) is a French association founded in 2006 in the...
JoTTO Fair 202323 febbraio 2023Si svolgerà giovedì 23 febbraio la terza edizione di JoTTo Fair , l’evento di incontro tra il mondo...
Workshop on Social Network Dynamics and Impact on Financial Markets26 gennaio 2023The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, in collaboration with the Tor Vergata University of Rome...
Young Economists of Tuscan Institutions (YETI) Meeting 19 dicembre 2022The Young Economists of Tuscan Institution (YETI) Meeting is a joint initiative between the...
Pro3 Workshop on Scientific Computing1 dicembre 2022A first online workshop disseminating the results of the PRO3 joint programme project "Scientific...