"5th HYCON2 PhD School on Control of Networked and Large-Scale Systems" and "EFFINET PhD School on Control of Drinking Water Networks"1 luglio 2013The event is targeted at graduate students and researchers who want to learn the main concepts of...
"2nd Awareness Summer School"24 giugno 2013Aimed at graduate/PhD students and researchers from different disciplines, this summer school will...
Workshop on Research challenges and opportunities in smart grids and new energy markets28 gennaio 2013The recent globalization, liberalization, and diversification of the energy market and the...
GII Doctoral School 201225 giugno 2012Future Internet and Global Computing: Services, Architectures, Models and Performance Evaluation...
European political cultures and parties and the European integration process, 1945-199210 novembre 2011
Trade NetWorkshop16 novembre 2009Participants: Leonardo Baccini (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca), Luca De Benedictis (...