Machine learning

2 Visiting Professor positions
(Deadline January 23rd, 2025 13:00 )
The successful candidate has competencies in machine learning within a broad spectrum of backgrounds and interests including, but not limited to:
- Active learning, clustering, online learning, ranking, reinforcement learning, supervised, semi- and self-supervised learning, and time series analysis;
- Deep Learning architectures, generative models, and deep reinforcement learning;
- Statistical Learning Theory; 
- Probabilistic Inference (Bayesian methods, graphical models, Monte Carlo methods);
- Trustworthy Machine Learning (accountability, causality, fairness, privacy, robustness);
- Applications of machine learning to fields such as data science, economics, humanities, medical sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences.
The candidate is expected to collaborate with members of the School on machine learning topics by means of: organization and delivery of research seminars; development of research projects; and joint grant applications.  
1 year
Gross amount
3.000 € (for each position)
Formal requirements
  • A PhD;
  • the successful candidate is a professor at a university or a scientist at a research institution in Italy or abroad;
  • excellent knowledge of both spoken and written English.

Applications must be submit through PICA website only using the link at the bottom of this page.
Please note that for the submission of applications on PICA website, login via SPID IS NOT AVAILABLE at the moment - Please register using the alternative methods.


Si segnala che per la presentazione delle candidature sul sito PICA al momento NON E' DISPONIBILE il login tramite SPID - Si prega di effettuare la registrazione secondo le modalità alternative.

Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Contratto di lavoro autonomo


Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)


  • Your CV in English (compulsory)