History of Medieval Philosophy

1 Assistant Professor position
(Deadline April 23rd, 2019 12:00 )

History of medieval hilosophy, Arabic-Islamic philosophy, logic, metaphysics, manuscript tradition, textual criticism


The researcher is asked to supervise the Ph.D. theses of doctoral students, to participate at the seminars held within the doctorate and the research unit, and to help organizing meetings, conferences and other scientiific and cultural activities. The researcher may be assigned the titularity of a course. On account of the interdisciplinary orientaton of IMT, the researcher is invited to integrate her/his own didactic and research activity with the activities of other researchers of the same track, as well as with those of other tracks and other research units.


During the research contract, the researcher is expected to investigate topics and problems regarding the history of medieval philosophy, with special attention at the transmission of Greek philosophy to the Arabic-Islamic world and at its consequent reception in the Latin-Chistian world, as a relevant and actual example of cultural continuity and interaction between West and East, based on the handwritten codex as a fundamental specimen of cultural heritage worth of analysis, preservation and valorization.

The researcher is asked to pay specific attention at two major trends of the transmission of philosophy from Greek into Arabic and into Latin, namely logic and metaphysics, and at their mutual connection in the system of knowledge and in the classification of the sciences. Particular care should be devoted to the study of codices which preserve important works of Arabic logic and metaphysics deriving from Greek models and translated into Latin, and to the employment of the ecdotic techniques that allow the reconstruction of the original text of these works on the basis of the investigation of thier manuscript tradition.

Fundamental importance will have the coperation with other disciplinary fields and chronological periods expressly linked to the cultural heritage (like history of art, archeology, museology, administrative law), as well as concerning wider areas of investigation (like digital humanities, computer science, economy, political sciences, statistics).

Formal requirements

PhD in a field related to the present call obtained in Italy or abroad. Curriculum with a suitable scientific background for carrying out research activity in the required field. Excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken.

Gross amount

Ricercatore tempo determinato (legge 240/2010 art. 24 comma 3 lettera a))


3 years

Specific requirements

Knowledge of classical Greek, Latin and Arabic. Solid background in codicology and textual criticism. Excellent level in French and German (both written and spoken) will be considered a preferential qualification.

Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Ricercatore tempo determinato (legge 240/2010 art.24 comma 3 lettera a) ) - Fixed term researcher

Selection procedure and criteria

Selection procedure conditions are transparent and are based on international standards.


A Selection Committee, appointed by the Rector, assesses all applications on the basis online application info. Applicants selected on the basis of the preliminary analysis are interviewed at the Job Market Meetings in which the Institute is planning to participate, if applicable to the specific academic sector. Alternatively, individual interviews may also be conducted at IMT or by conference call. Travel expenses to Lucca for the interview will be reimbursed.

Selection Criteria

The evaluation criteria are based on: Quality of research activity, including publications in peer-reviewed journals and references; Research organization experience and participation in international/national research projects and research periods in public and private institutions (academic and non-academic); Relevance of the candidate's profile for the development of IMT's research activities; Teaching, mentoring and supervision experience; Motivation; Excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken; As well as any other requirements as specified in the advertisement.


Apply ONLINE only.

Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)
  • University degree and Ph.D. (compulsory) 


  • Your CV in English (compulsory);
  • One research paper (published or working paper): compulsory.
  • A Research Statement
  • List of pubblications
  • Document ID or Passport