predefinita_2.jpg 11 dicembre - Scuola chiusa per allerta meteo (December 11 - School closed due to weather alert)10 dicembre 2017
predefinita_2.jpg Election of the PhD Students Representative for the Governing Bodies4 dicembre 2017
predefinita_2.jpg Final list of candidates admitted to the 2017/18 PhD Programs now online28 settembre 2017
predefinita_2.jpg Call for Papers is now open for the International Workshop "Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in the 20th Century"18 settembre 2017
predefinita_2.jpg Shortlist of candidates admitted to the 2017/18 PhD Programs online5 settembre 2017
predefinita_2.jpg International Scouting for Professor Positions (Deadline: September 15th, 2017)1 settembre 2017