A universal law of species abundance correlations reveals the dominant role of environmental fluctuations in microbial communities.20 dicembre 2024Microbial communities are found throughout the biosphere, from human guts to glaciers, and from...
Lezioni Disegnate - Terzo ciclo19 dicembre 2024Le “Lezioni Disegnate” sono un ciclo di conferenze tenute da ricercatori della Scuola IMT Alti...
Unlocking Critical Periods. Biological basis and reversibility19 dicembre 2024Our lab explores how brain functions are shaped by early life experience, identifying pivotal roles...
Progress towards reconstructing the global firm-level supply network.18 dicembre 2024We have estimated that there are about 300m firms and 13b supply chain links between them. Some of...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics16 dicembre 2024Na Liu - Algorithmic management and wellbeing at work
Workshop “Archivi in Rete”13 dicembre 2024Workshop “Archivi in Rete” This workshop delves into the multifaceted topic of photographic...
Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems | OPODIS 202411 dicembre 2024The 28th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems will take place from...
Presentazione del libro HOMO IMAGINIFICUS: Sogni e visioni nella storia dell’arte dal Paleolitico superiori al Rinascimento6 dicembre 2024Presentazione del libro "HOMO IMAGINIFICUS Sogni e visioni nella storia dell’arte dal Paleolitico...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences5 dicembre 2024Afroditi Giannakopoulou - Understanding Emotions: The Evolution of Affective Neuroscience and a...
International Conference Iconography 20244 dicembre 2024The conference will be held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca from 4 to 6 December 2024...